Free journal for mac
Free journal for mac

free journal for mac

If using a note-taking app for journaling feels odd, you can use Journey instead. The paid version is on a subscription, but unless you like media-heavy journal updates, the free version should cover your journaling needs. That’s a major strike against longevity, but the application has ease of use on lock.Įvernote apps can expand the app’s base functionality, too: pair it with Alternote to get a more minimal UI or with  to pull updates and images from your social media accounts. Unfortunately, your notes are saved in an obfuscated format, so it’s hard to figure out what’s what without the application.

free journal for mac free journal for mac

Plus, Evernote is hands-down the best note-taking application for the Mac. You can create multiple journals and edit them on a Mac and iOS application or use the web interface if you don’t have access to the apps.Īnd since Evernote has been around for years and seems to be doing well, a sudden shutdown or change in monetization strategy seems unlikely. Rich text is fully supported, as are audio, images and even video. While Evernote is far from a dedicated journaling application, it contains many of the features you’ve come to expect from Day One. We’ve scoured the web for worthy replacements and come up with the list below. It’s left many users seeking Day One alternatives for Mac.

Free journal for mac archive#

And considering the entire purpose of the application is to maintain a long-term archive of your daily life, such a subscription fee could rack up major charges over a lifetime of use. Just recently daily journaling application Day One transitioned to a (kind of expensive) monthly subscription model, charging a yearly fee to use and maintain your records within the application.

Free journal for mac